Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Top 10  Foods for Keeping Healthy Weight!

1.    Take Green Vegetables

Green vegetables have low calorie and low carbohydrates but are rich in fiber. Leafy greens can raise your food volume and make you full before taking lots of calories from fats and carbs. Many leafy greens are rich in minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants as well. Some minerals like calcium can help fat burning based on some clinical studies on overweight people.

2.    Take a Whole Egg for Breakfast

Taking egg for breakfast instead of bagels has shown to be effective in losing weight in overweight women based on a recent clinical study (published in Nature).

3.    Take Oily Fish

Oily fish are kwon as healthy foods and are being suggested in different conditions including diabetics, cardiovascular care and losing weight diets. Oily fish, in particular Salomon, can keep you feel full with low calories. Fish can help thyroid to work properly. Thyroid has a central role in your body metabolism and keeping healthy weight is of its functions.   

4.    Take Boiled Potatoes

Potato although at first is seen as a source of carbohydrates; however, it also has a little bit of almost everything that your body needs. Boiled potato is a good source of “resistant starch”. Resistant starch can pass the digestive tract unchanged. This property makes it suitable for weight loss diets. The health related benefits of resistant starch include improving insulin sensitivity, lowering blood sugar levels, and reducing appetite which all are involved in losing weight .

5.    Take Vitamin C
If you aim to shed pounds don’t forget to take Vitamin C. Daily recommended dose of Vitamin C is approximately 100 mg, but according to a study published in of the “American College of Nutrition”, high doses of Vitamin C are associated with better weight lose profile. Body deficiency in Vitamin C is a why some individuals are unsuccessful in their weight loss attempts. Results of several studies have shown the impact of oxidative stress, redox balance and lipid oxidation in the obesity and related health problems. Vitamin C as a known anti-oxidant can take an important role in changing the play in your body metabolism and avoiding putting weight. Meanwhile, results of some animal studies have shown that the injection of Vitamin C directly to the adipose tissue in rats can reduce the number of adipocytes. On the other hand, obesity is characterized by presenting mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS (Reactive oxygen species) overproduction, in this scenario Vitamin C can help your body to balance its redox potential and the level of ROS.

6.    Take Avocado

Avocado is a good source of healthy fats. It also contains potassium and fiber. A 50g serving of avocados contains 80 calories, so you can easily put it in your diet to lose weight.

7.    Take Apple cider vinegar

Results of several clinical studies have shown that the consumption of the apple cider vinegar can increase feelings of fullness and is associated with weight loss.

8.    Take Whole Grains

Oats, brown rice and quinoa, as known whole grains, are rich in beta-glucans and soluble fibers. They have shown increasing satiety and improving metabolic health. Whole grains also contain resistant starch which can make you feel fullness.

9.    Take Chili Pepper

Regarding to some clinical studies, “Capsaicin”, as the major component of chili pepper, can reduce your appetite and increase fat burning. Capsaicin is even sold in supplement form for weight loos.

10.  Take Full Fat Probiotic Yogurt
It has been recently demonstrated that gut microbiome is directly associated with human body shape and weight. Probiotics as good bacteria in the gut environment can affect your body metabolism through several ways as by changing the lipid profile particularly after fat enriched foods. Meanwhile, inflammation and leptin resistance as two causes of obesity can be ameliorated by appropriate gut flora.  

 Further Readings!

Garcia-Diaz DF, Campion J, Milagro FI, Paternain L, Solomon A, Martinez JA. 2009. Ascorbic acid oral treatment modifies lipolytic response and behavioural activity but not glucocorticoid metabolism in cafeteria diet-fed rats. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 195: 449–457.

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