Sunday, September 2, 2018

Why should you take Vitamin C daily?

Why do we need Vitamin C?
Vitamins are essential molecules that could not be synthesized by human body and so, for a healthy life you should take from food or drink.
Vitamin C is one of the most important Vitamins with a wide range of biochemical activities in human body. It is essential in the biosynthesis of Collagen which is an important structural protein in muscles, bones, gums, cartilages, skin,....
So, human regardless of genre and age should take Vitamin C in a daily basis.

Why should you take Vitamin C daily?
Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin and could not be stored in the body. It means, that if you take high amounts of Vitamin C, the excess Vitamin C would be excreted from your body and you would need to take Vitamin C the day after as well.

How much Vitamin C do we need?
Adequate amount of Vitamin C for everybody is different based on the sex, age, and lifestyle. It could be summarized as follows:

Adult men ..................................... 90 mg per day
14-18 years old boys .................... 75 mg per day
Smokers men ...............................125 mg per day

Adult women ............................... 75 mg per day
14-18 years old girls .................... 65 mg per day
Smoker women ...........................110 mg per day
Pregnant women .......................... 85 mg per day
Breast feeding women ................120 mg per day

0-6 months ................................... 40 mg per day
7-12 months ................................. 50 mg per day
1-3 years old ................................ 15 mg per day
4-8 years old ................................ 25 mg per day
9-13 years old .............................. 45 mg per day

For more information about Vitamin C: 

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