Friday, September 21, 2018

Top 10 Tips for your Heart Health!

Top 10 Tips for your Heart Health!

1.    Give up Smoking!
Smoking is one of the main causes of coronary heart disease. Smoking damages the lining of arteries, leading to building up of fatty materials, which can narrow the artery. Narrowing of the arteries increases the risk of myocardial infarction. So, if you smoke even 1 cigarette a day, try to stop it. The risk of heart attack may reduce by half in a year after stopping smoking. It should be also mentioned that second-hand exposure to smoke could increase the risk of heart disease as well.

2.     Monitor the Blood Pressure!
High blood pressure is known as “The Silent Killer”. The higher blood pressure, the greater the risk of heart attack.

3.     Monitor your Cholesterol blood level!
High blood level of cholesterol, may be an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. If you have high levels of blood cholesterol, revise your diet and life style to reduce cholesterol. However, be informed that cholesterol is one of the most important molecules in human health and a healthy diet, does not mean the elimination of cholesterol in your diet.

4.    Take the heart-healthy fibers and Anti-Oxidant Rich Snack
Oat, barley, apple, pear, and avocado are rich sources of soluble fibers. Healthy beans can help reducing the blood level of bad cholesterol, as a main factor in cardiovascular diseases.

5.     Eat Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate contains healthy flavonoids. Flavonoids could help lowering of the risk of heart disease by reducing the inflammation responses.

6.     Take Vitamin C Daily
Pauling, the Nobel Prize winner, was believed that there is a tight relationship between the heart disease and chronic Vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C can help the heart heath trough many known and some unknown mechanisms.

7.     Keep Eating Breakfast on Time
The first meal of the day is so important for the cardiovascular diseases patients. Eating low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat milk, yogurt, or cheese, whole grains, such as oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, all help the heart to be in a normal physiology.

8.     Do Exercise Consistently
Being physically active is important to prevent heart diseases. 150 minutes of physical activity per week is recommended by FDA for a healthy life.  Physical exercises could regulate your body metabolism and in particular will control your glucose and lipid profile as well, which both affect the heart health.

9.    Take Ginger
Ginger contains compounds similar to NSAIDS (anti-inflammatory medications) which can help the heart to be in a normal situation. Inflammatory responses are important in heart diseases, Ginger can modulate the immune responses and can lower the risk of heart attack.

10.  Take Garlic in your Diet
Garlic can help keeping cardiovascular system healthy through two ways. First, the garlic can lower the rate of atherosclerosis by reducing the blood levels of cholesterol, and second, garlic can reduce the blood pressure as an important cause of heart attack.

Further Reading

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